We know what domains are really worth…

Let our professionals evaluate a domain and get insights with our extensive reports.

No matter if you want to buy a domain, assess the value your own portfolio, or are in the middle of a price negotiation: our domain valuation report gives you all the information you need.

Domain Report BasicDomain Report PremiumDomain Report Custom
Price$ 25 USD $ 40 USD $ 99 USD
Estimation Models1 (SEDO Range)34
Related Domain Sales
Domain Statistics
Manual Research
Individual Expert Assessment
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You can find more information about the content of our domain reports below.

Domain Valuation

Key Benefits

Do you want to buy or sell a domain but don’t know exactly how much it is worth? Our domain evaluation helps you to find the right price. Many of our customers also use the domain report for accounting purposes and to confirm the domain value to authorities for correct taxation and valuation of corporate assets.

Deep Insights

Comprehensive statistics on the domain core data – like domain age, keyword valuation, language score and more.

Perfect for Price Negotiations

Show why your domain price is justified and create a basis for negotiation.

Independent and Trustworthy

We see ourselves as a neutral source of price information and act objectively.


Estimation Models

Domain price evaluation based on different algorithms including SEDO Marketplace price comparison based on historical data.


Related Domain Sales

Find out at what prices similar domains have already been sold. Ideal for a more precise assessment of your domain value.


Domain Statistics

Information about Trust Flow, Citation Flow, Referring Backlinks, Governmental Referring Backlinks, Referring IPs and other deep insights.


TLD Facts

General information about the TLD such as sales figures, average price, TLD ranking and much more.


Keyword Facts

Analysis of the domain keywords for average keyword price, keyword count, frequency and other factors.


Language Scores

Analysis of the domain keywords for possible usage in 7 important languages worldwide.


Manual Research

In-depth research on the domain, previous owners, sales prices and exploring the market for possible buyers.


Expert Assessment

Expert opinion and conclusion on the domain including advice on sales tactics and possible interested parties.

If You Have Any Question,
Feel Free to Contact Us

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